Monday, 13 June 2011

Restrictions suck.

"Reach home on time", "No need to attend parties","You are not supposed to stay at friend's place" Uggghhh,Stop!! Before you start thinking you are living in a cage.
  In 21st century, such types of orders for girls are still in practice in some conservative families when they enter in teenage.
  Teenage is a phase of life where we remain oblivious of consequences our steps bring forth and with strong will we endeavor to do things that attract us with a bit albeit of apprehension. Regarding the fact, it would be senseless to deny that everything which comes in a teenage-fascinate us. Additionally our friends, environment, gathering and media(a silent criminal)cajole us to pursue our desires. Adverse situation is- when our action go against our parents's desires.
 A look around Pakistan, one can eventually conclude that there still are parents who tend to be strict with their teenagers. They simply do it by neglecting and ignoring their child.
It's a universal phenomenon that in some families parents are too cautions, religious and feel insecure of their girls especially. 
Apparently, they impose innumerable restrictions on girls as to save them from the outer environment. As a result, there often a worst negative outcome that inculcates in child a stub-born and obstinate behaviour. 
According to a friend, the student in the last stage of her teens says, "There is always a worst implication of restrictions on a daughter : either she is deprived of a strong, confident personality, or ends ups  having negative feelings for her parents. As a result, she opts for a wrong path."
As a part of youth sector, I reckon parents behaviour should be neutral- Neither too restrict nor too polite. Give your girls a free hand to do whatever they desire. Play your vital role by bringing into their knowledge the advantages and disadvantages of their wishes. Keep their minds clear and ensure that it does not get perplexed   in pursue of dreams. Once, the mission is well-accomplished, the deprived girls of today will bring phenomenal and unprecedented changes in the years yet to come!